Enclosure Quilts

Artistic Research and Quiltwork Series, 2024

Re-assembling knowledge of the 'landscape' through the act of quilting. Enclosure Quilts stitches together the history of land privatisation and subjugation of humans as economic units within the English countryside. The project explores how enclosure of common land, dispossession of its inhabitants, and the subsequent masking of infrastructural works has distorted our understanding of what is natural. Enclosure Quilts explores these themes through quilted textile works, a medium that has been gendered and relegated in the arts as an 'inferior' form compared to the likes of landscape painting and still life. Quilting requires the collating of different items into a single topography, highlighting the ways in which the idea of natural is itself an assemblage.

Under The Reservoir There Was A Village, Mixed Textile Quiltwork, 1230mm x 900mm, 2023

The Remaining Shell, Mixed Textile Quiltwork, 800mm x 1000mm, 2023

Dividing Surveying Improving, Mixed Textile Quiltwork, 900x950mm, 2024