Infiltrated Embroidery

Quiltwork Series, 2024

Infiltrated Embroidery is comprised of site-specific textile interventions which grow within the crevices, voids and damagedspaces of the urban fabric. Through the act of embroidery - a labour intensive form of intricate sewing - the spaces that have been left vacuous through ruination are reanimated. The focus required to produce each piece speaks to focus, reverence and intimacy. Through producing pieces that are in dialogue with the ruinous nooks and crevices of the city, the project through the process of noticing and acts of mimicry. However, due to the fragility of textile, they do not serve as 'fixes' to the buildings, but rather produces a queer transgression of the typical material life of buildings.

Flock Noticing Steams, Recycled Textile Quiltwork, 200mm x 300mm, 2024

Jotting Result Actual, Recycled Textile Quiltwork, 500mm x 300mm, 2024

Verse Sunshine Blaring, Recycled Textile Quiltwork, 450mm x 450mm, 2024

Zone Unstable Pepper, Recycled Textile Quiltwork, 270mm x 230mm, 2024