Studies in Tortuosity

Mixed Textile Quiltwork, 2024

As liquids navigate the below-ground, their paths contort around rocks, organic mater and sediment. The deviations in this route are measured by their tortuosity - the degree to which the path diverts from a straight line. The study of tortuosity is shrouded in the dark of the subsurface and the unpredictability of the natural world. This series works through textiles to imagine the epic journeys through this world. Articulated through quilted textile topographies, the series challenges the primacy of scientific visuality. Representing a limit to empiricism, the works point to the need for artistic imagination to represent and give meaning to scientific understanding.

Study In Tortuosity #1, Mixed Textiles, 140x210mm, 2024

Study in Tortuosity #2, Mixed Textiles, 130x300mm, 2024

Study in Tortuosity #3, Mixed Textiles, 220x370mm, 2024