Christie Swallow

Christie is an artist and designer who crafts stories through textiles. With a background in architecture, their work investigates our relationship with technoscience and its capacity to distort our vision of nature. By weaving together patchworks of spatial, environmental, and archival research, they seek to offer critical reflections on the hegemonic ways of seeing the world and imagine possible futures.

Their interest in textiles derives from the medium's capacity to affect people, through tapping into our embodied relationship with the material(s) that clothes us, cover us, and keep us warm. Their practice explores the potential that this intimate relationship represents and how it might be mobilised to interrogate living within the Anthropocene.

Through their practice, Christie tells new stories about old ideas. Between a mythologised past and a precarious present, they seek to disentangle the webs of meaning that have shaped our contemporary attitude towards nature and towards other humans. Their work patches together new narratives from the scraps of a damaged world.

Christie is currently Artist in Residence at SMQB, University of Birmingham, and an upcoming Maker in Residence at the European Commission, Italy. They have exhibited extensively in London and were previously  Artist in Residence at Hangar CIA, Lisbon. They are the recipient of the RIBA Boyd Auger Scholarship and previously served as a lecturer at the University of Cambridge. Christie is a graduate of Environmental Architecture, Royal College of Art (MA RCA 2023), and Architecture, University of Cambridge (MA Cantab 2020).